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Biblical Masculinity

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

In a world that often seems confused about the nature of masculinity, it is essential to turn to a timeless and unchanging source of wisdom: the Bible. Throughout history, the concept of masculinity has undergone various interpretations, influenced by cultural shifts, societal expectations, and personal experiences. However, amidst the noise and conflicting messages, the Scriptures offer a profound and profound understanding of what it means to be a godly man. In this blog discussion, we embark on a journey to rediscover biblical masculinity and explore the rich tapestry of principles, values, and characteristics that define it. We recognize that the concept of masculinity is not meant to diminish or exclude femininity but rather complements and celebrates the unique qualities that both men and women bring to the world. Before jumping in check out, "It's Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity" by Michael Foster and Dominis Bnonn Tennant.

The Divine Design of Masculinity

The Bible's creation narrative, found in the book of Genesis, lays the foundation for understanding masculinity within the context of God's design for humanity. In Genesis 1:27, it states, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." This passage affirms the equal value and inherent worth of both men and women as they are both created in the image of God. Masculinity, therefore, is an integral part of God's design, intended to reflect and manifest specific aspects of the divine nature. Masculinity alone is often viewed as something negative in today’s culture and this is simply not the case. For the most part, aside from exceptions, women tend to be more nurturing and comforting and in-tune with their emotions and on the other hand men tend to be more tough, making decisions not on emotion, more instinctual desire to be the provider. Neither of these are bad but together the two, man and women, form the complete image of God that the other by themselves cannot do. Masculinity is not a curse. Moreover, Genesis 2:18 provides additional insight into the purpose of masculinity. It states, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'" This verse highlights the complementary nature of male and female, suggesting that masculinity is designed to be in a harmonious relationship with femininity. Masculinity is not meant to exist in isolation but rather to complement and mutually support femininity, indicating the importance of collaboration and partnership between the genders. Someone who embraces masculinity will not power over his partner, or wife. They will seek as the head of the family (1 Corinthians 11:3) to elevate the needs of others before themselves. Lastly, Genesis 2:15-20 portrays Adam, the first man, as a caretaker of the garden of Eden, signifying the responsibility and stewardship entrusted to him. This implies that masculinity encompasses qualities such as leadership, protection, and provision. Masculine individuals are called to exercise their strengths and abilities in a manner that upholds their God-given responsibility to care for and nurture the world around them.

Masculinity and Moral Virtues

The Bible also presents numerous examples of characters who embody various aspects of masculinity, providing valuable insights into the virtues and qualities associated with masculinity. For instance, throughout the Old Testament, Moses emerges as a prominent figure who embodies qualities of leadership, courage, and strength. He demonstrates his leadership by leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, displaying resilience and determination in the face of adversity. This highlights the significance of masculine virtues such as bravery, fortitude, and the ability to guide and protect others. Additionally, the figure of David, the renowned king of Israel, portrays a unique blend of strength and vulnerability. David's military prowess and his ability to conquer his enemies exemplify physical strength and valor. However, his psalms and expressions of deep emotional connection with God reveal his capacity for vulnerability, authenticity, and emotional depth. David's example suggests that masculinity encompasses both strength and the willingness to express and navigate emotions in a healthy and genuine manner. Although this can be more difficult for men generally speaking being able to recognize and communicate emotion is a very valuable skill set for relationships. Finally, Jesus Christ, the central figure of the New Testament, provides the ultimate example of masculinity. Jesus is the true man as all others that have entered into this world are influence by sin. Through Christ we see a man who is untouched by sin and thus is the true human, the human we are all intended to be, and demonstrating true masculinity. His teachings and actions emphasize servant leadership, humility, compassion, and sacrificial love. Jesus challenges societal norms of power and dominance, offering an alternative vision of masculinity rooted in selflessness, empathy, and care for others. This is not to lack strength and power but to instead control it and use it for good and to protect when needed. Jesus’s sacrificial death on the cross exemplifies the pinnacle of masculinity, showcasing the willingness to deny what is easy and do what was needed for the good of others, and for the glorification of the Father. Often times all types of people are faced with choices, and we can honor God, or honor ourselves making ourselves God as we put our desires over the righteous standard of God and masculinity when exercised correctly denies oneself for the glory of the Father. For daily assistance with this subject and valuable insight it may be beneficial to look at a devotional, "Stand Strong: 365 Devotions for Men by Men". If you would like to support the page further feel free to check out our store!

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