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Christianity Compared to Other World Religions

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Let me start by saying that it would be practically impossible to discuss every religion the world has to offer. Biblical Christianity compared to other religions is something every Christian needs to study at some point even if only briefly. Fritz Ridenour wrote a book called "So What's the Difference" where 20 different world religions are discussed, and it provides valuable insight. How can we proclaim to the world which we do not know? Religion and Spirituality is important to the world so we must guide them to truth. Roughly 85% of the world identify with some religion and of all the people in the world, I feel confident I would not scratch the surface. However, a more realistic goal is to briefly explain the 5 major world religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism.


Christianity is one of the three monotheistic Abrahamic religions. The Christian Bible consists of the Old and New Testament within the Holy Bible. Some of the main beliefs start with the fall of man within the Garden of Eden and that original sin has now polluted all of the created order. As a result, all man is sinful and deserving of God's wrath. The problem is that in the Christian faith you cannot earn your way to heaven because your sin will forever outweigh your good deeds because the evil is less of a action and more of the source of your actions found within your nature. To provide a solution to this problem Jesus Christ, the second person of the trinity, came down to the earth in human for to die for our sins. All who believe in Jesus's deity, death, resurrection, and have faith in his finished work of salvation will be saved. Concluding, one day God will come to judge humanity and produce a new heaven and earth free from sin, and those not found to believe in Jesus will be condemned. While Christians do not believe they can earn their way to heaven, many of them do practice spiritual disciplines for personal and spiritual growth such as prayer, daily scripture reading, fasting, thankfulness, generous giving, tithing, and telling other about the good news of Jesus's sacrifice.


Islam, like Christianity, is a monotheistic religion and a Abrahamic religion. The founder of Islam is Muhammad who is believed to be a prophet from God, or Allah, who had visions of the Angel Gabriel and continued to receive supposed revelation from God but only speaks of them in private for three years. The holy book of this religion is the Quaran. It is the second largest religion in the world where all of it members are required to make a pilgrimage to Kaaba in Mecca called "Haji" at least once in their lifetime if they are able to. Like Christianity has many denominations, Islam has many different sects such as Sunni, Shia, and Sufi. Within the belief system of Islam there are five main pillars, and they are the declaration of faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage. In order to get to heaven Muslims believe that they must have faith of course, but unlike Christianity, this is paired with good deeds. With enough bad deeds the professing Muslim will not enter heaven.


Hinduism is known to be one of the oldest religions in the world and it is called the "Sanatan Dharma" which means Righteousness Forever. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion and the religion is believed to be originated from hearing, hearing the word of God. As a result, these truths were spread to other followers telepathically. As a result, many principles were passed from generation to generation merely being heard. It is often considered less of a religion by some and more of a way of life as the follower has the freedom to live how he or she chooses, and they are not bound by rules. This is not an absolute statement as there are some nonnegotiable principles, but this statement mostly stands. The idea of the trinity exists within this religion like Christianity but is vastly different than the Christian trinity. Reincarnation is believed in this religion where people will continually return until their sins are paid for. In this religion it is very difficult to find God as the members must walk a hard path of divinity. For the followers to get to heaven it seems to be summed in the knowledge of the member, the number of good deeds they have performed, and the devotion they have to the way of life.


Buddhism was founded guessed it...Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, is recognized as the founder. However, there is a "Buddha" like Christianity has a Jesus. Instead, a Buddha is an enlightened member of the practice. The life of the follower of Buddhism is characterized by an Eight-Fold Path (the Wheel of Dhamma) which is: proper view, proper intention, proper speech, proper action, proper occupation, proper endeavor, and proper concentration. These ideas are foundational for Buddhists practice and can be defined as the Middle Way which will teach to reject all extremes of life whether emotion, deed, or how you decide to live your life. Buddhism is neither polytheistic nor monotheistic, but a lifestyle built on the teachings of Buddha, but there is a holy book. The Tipitaka is the holy book of this practice for those who don't know any better, but for the practitioners they may not say there is one holy book, as to put emphasis on how we ought to behave in this life may change with the ages, but perhaps not too much. The focal teachings still remain. Buddhists do not believe in heaven like the Christian or the Muslim but think of heaven as an appropriate state of mind that can experienced here on earth with no punishment or reward after death.


Judaism is the third Abraham religion with its beliefs based mostly on the Torah, or the five books of Moses, the first five books of the Christain Bible. They also include the rest of the Christian Old Testament also called the Hebrew Bible along with many teachings of oral tradition passed down from Rabbi. Judaism is monotheistic with its worship done by the community in the synagogues. Judaism does teach on the afterlife of heaven and hell, but they encourage their followers not to simply work for the rewards. Instead, it is focused on the community coming together under the name of God to accomplish great things. Judaism's distinct differentiation from Christianity is they believe the Messiah has not come yet, but he will. A great teacher and leader will come to bring clarity to all about God. He will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and the Christian Bible in fact warns strongly against this character as it is related to the end times. This teacher will fill the earth with the Torah's wisdom.

While this blog hopefully provides some insight on many different religions as there is some benefit for Christians to be knowledgeable of other religions it must be clarified that tolerance is a dangerous game on the scale of eternity. As Christians we must preach to all people and know some differences, so we know what to say to the unbelieving world. The Messiah has come, he will judge the living and the dead, we must have faith in him, and the God of the Bible is the one and only way to heaven and that cannot be clearer. Every other religion is a wide path right to Hell and it is our duty to warn those who are opposed and even indifferent to Christianity. You are either on God's side or you are not, there is no stance of indifference int he kingdom of God. With all this said, take this post for what it is, learn something, but use it to strengthen you faith and as a tool to proclaim the Gospel. Lastly, if you like what you see and are interested in supporting the ministry then check out our store!

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