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How to Avoid Being a Lukewarm Christian

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

To avoid being a lukewarm Christian, one must cultivate a deep and genuine relationship with God, actively live out their faith, and continually seek spiritual growth. In this essay, we will explore these three key points in detail, providing practical insights and guidance for individuals seeking to strengthen their Christian faith and commitment. Before getting started feel free to see more resources like, "The Consequences of Being a Lukewarm Christain" by Pamela Mabry for more insight as well as the phenomenal book (one of my favorites) called, "Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream" by David Platt!

**Point 1: Cultivating a Deep and Genuine Relationship with God**

A lukewarm Christian often lacks a strong and personal connection with God. To avoid falling into this category, it is essential to prioritize and nurture a deep and genuine relationship with the Divine. Here are several ways to accomplish this: Prayer is the cornerstone of any relationship with God. How can we expect to be close to someone we do not speak to? Additionally, we fail to give credit to the destructive nature of our sin when we fail to seek God for his guidance and care in our lives, and in living by the Spirit we will be closer to the one from whom the Holy Spirit proceeds. It is through prayer that Christians communicate with Him, seek His guidance, and express their gratitude. To avoid lukewarmness, one must make prayer a daily habit, not just a ritualistic act. Often times the best prayers we can have result from simply sitting with our thoughts as we trust that God can see through our troubles and discomfort. Prayer with more words does not equate to more favor from God. This means engaging in heartfelt conversations with God, sharing joys, concerns, and questions sincerely. The Bible is the Word of God and serves as a source of spiritual nourishment. Lukewarm Christians often neglect regular Scripture reading. Someone once asked regarding prayer and scripture reading which one is more important to which the response was, "What is more important breathing in or breathing out?" As we reach to God in prayer through His word, he fills us up in his word granting peace, giving guidance, feeding our soul and satisfying us. To deepen one's relationship with God, it is crucial to study the Bible diligently, seeking to understand its teachings and applying them to one's life. Joining a Bible study group can also provide valuable insights and accountability. Several heads are better than one, and older heads are sometimes wiser so don't be afraid to speak to all sorts of people that they may share their perspective on God's word. Remember, just because we exchange thoughts does not mean we have to agree or take everything we hear. Additionally, the Christian journey is not something we were meant to face by ourselves. Active participation in church services and community worship is another vital aspect of nurturing a relationship with God. Attending church not only allows Christians to connect with fellow believers but also provides opportunities for spiritual growth, learning, and encouragement. Growth is the important piece here as the physical body of the local Church can often be the tangible means through which the sinner experiences grace. Lastly, we must be humble enough to admit we do not know everything. We do not even know most things. Developing a mentorship or seeking guidance from a trusted spiritual leader can help in deepening one's faith. They can provide insights, answer questions, and offer support on the Christian journey.

**Point 2: Living Out Your Faith Actively**

A lukewarm Christian often struggles to translate their faith into action and sometimes it can be tricky to define "action". Most of us don't have the means or the funds to go out to other countries and build churches and other things for a whole community. However, we can make choices within our country and home to love. Many of us with spouses and kids are faced with many choices every day on how we are going to elevate their needs above our owns. How can we be more like Christ than that? Those without families, your mission field is likewise your community as there are vast opportunity in the Church, the neighbor down the street, new clothes and food for the homeless individuals out of your own pocket to demonstrate concern and love. In the monotony of every day working life, it can be very easy to fall into the trap of complacency and lukewarmness. To avoid this, it is essential to actively live out one's faith in daily life. Here are some practical steps: Align your actions and decisions with Christian principles. This includes practicing love, compassion, forgiveness, and integrity in all aspects of life. Strive to be a reflection of Christ's teachings in your interactions with others. Next, get involved in acts of service and outreach to the community. This was mentioned earlier, but some of the best ways we can show love is giving our time, energy, and resources to those who cannot pay us back and when we don't expect any form of payment back. Some are less fortunate, and God has richly blessed many of us so that we may be a blessing to those in need. To be his hands and feet! Volunteer at local charities, help those in need, and share the love of Christ through your actions. Active service is a tangible way to live out your faith. Paired with this, surround yourself with fellow Christians who can hold you accountable for your actions and choices. Being with like-minded Christians is crucial. The world, music, art, entertainment, among all things influence us to sin but being with others to help mold our mind can help keep us focused. We can encourage and support our brothers and sisters in Christ as well as receive support and accountability for sin when we fall short...and we certainly will. Being part of a supportive Christian community helps prevent complacency and encourages continuous growth. While all those things are beneficial one of the best things, we can do to grow is to make ourselves uncomfortable for our faith and this includes sharing your faith with others. Evangelism is not about forceful conversion but about sharing the good news of Christ's love and salvation. Engage in respectful conversations and be ready to explain your faith when asked.

**Point 3: Continual Spiritual Growth**

Lukewarm Christians often plateau in their spiritual journey. To avoid this stagnation and ensure continual growth, consider the following strategies: Establish clear spiritual goals for yourself. Whether it's reading a certain number of Bible verses each day, attending additional Bible classes, or increasing your involvement in church activities, setting goals can motivate you to grow. Next, we can embrace challenges and trials as opportunities for spiritual growth. When facing difficulties, turn to God for strength and wisdom. These experiences can deepen your faith and trust in Him. Additionally, we continue to learn and grow in your understanding of Christianity. Attend seminars, workshops, or conferences that deepen your knowledge of the Bible and Christian theology. Mentorship and discipleship relationships can also provide valuable guidance. Lastly, regularly take time for self-reflection and examination of your faith. Identify areas where you may have strayed or become lukewarm and seek God's forgiveness and guidance for improvement.

In conclusion, avoiding lukewarm Christianity requires a proactive approach that involves cultivating a deep and genuine relationship with God, actively living out one's faith, and continually seeking spiritual growth. By following these three key points, individuals can strengthen their commitment to Christianity and become more fervent and authentic followers of Christ. Finally, if you are interested in supporting this ministry then be sure to check out our store!

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